Livestock farmer stories, tips, and resources for success.

Multi-Generation Episodes

July 22, 2023

Troy Bishopp Part 2: Taking Risks and Being Realistic

Troy Bishopp web site TroyBishopp Instagram #lingergrazing On Pasture Grazing Chart link Grasstravanganza info: Drop a review at Join our Patreon! --- Send in a ...
Guest: Troy Bishopp
July 17, 2023

Troy Bishopp Part 1: From Guinea Pig to Linger Grazing

"My buddy Rock Langone, he runs my ice cream store up the road here. Him and I were the young farmers of the county, we were the chosen ones. We had high herd averages, you know, just got out of college. We were making milk, ...
Guest: Troy Bishopp
Jan. 28, 2023

Katelyn Duban Connects Rural Women

“From what I’ve learned, it's always best to learn from other people. Learn from people who have been doing this before. If you can find a mentor in the field that you are interested in, I think that's the best thing you can ...
Guest: Katelyn Duban