Livestock farmer stories, tips, and resources for success.

Season 2

Dec. 23, 2023

Tricia Park Uses Holistic Management to Drive Her Decisions

“My husband had been fascinated by Scottish Highlanders. We would drive by this place and you'd have to stop, get out of the car and like look through the woods to see them. And I was like, they're just big, shaggy horned bea...
Guest: Tricia Park
Dec. 13, 2023

Erin Meding Grows a Farm

“I did not grow up in a farming family. I grew up in a small town in the Midwest…there's no one in my family that has ever farmed. I'm pretty sure most of my siblings think I'm crazy.” Erin and Charles Meding purchased their ...
Guest: Erin Meding
Oct. 21, 2023

Cameron Pedigo Farms for the Right Reasons

“I'd watch the deer, how they would interact with the cows and turkeys and, you know, other animals. I've always been a keen observer of nature. That started young. That's kind of like the foundation. I didn't realize that's ...
Sept. 30, 2023

Chris & Samantha Kemnah Find Less Labor in Dairy

“Neither one of us came from a farm family or any kind of money in our background. We've just kind of done it on our good credit. We've leased the farms that we've been on. We are hoping to be able to buy the farm we're on no...
Aug. 15, 2023

Brad & Emalee Buttrey Find Real-Life Challenges

“We did have the sense to look and say, you know, God created ruminant animals to take advantage of grass and low input. You know, if we've got a grass base, and we take care of that, that's as low input as you're gonna get v...
Aug. 9, 2023

Nicole & Jeremiah Vernon Talk Time, Family and Vulnerability

“I have a specific memory of the first time we ever did sheep, I was so mad at my parents, we were going to kill the sheep. And then fast forward like an hour into it. And I came running into the house holding a sheep tongue ...
July 22, 2023

Troy Bishopp Part 2: Taking Risks and Being Realistic

Troy Bishopp web site TroyBishopp Instagram #lingergrazing On Pasture Grazing Chart link Grasstravanganza info: Drop a review at Join our Patreon! --- Send in a ...
Guest: Troy Bishopp
July 17, 2023

Troy Bishopp Part 1: From Guinea Pig to Linger Grazing

"My buddy Rock Langone, he runs my ice cream store up the road here. Him and I were the young farmers of the county, we were the chosen ones. We had high herd averages, you know, just got out of college. We were making milk, ...
Guest: Troy Bishopp
July 8, 2023

Karen Hoffman is Peaceful by Nature

"There was a guy in my office for years, who used to refer to people like me as hobby farmers. And it drove me crazy. One day I finally said, “You know what? These hobby farmers, if they are getting up every day, and taking c...
Guest: Karen Hoffman
June 24, 2023

Bobbie Jean Booth Becomes an Accidental Farmer

“I got involved with sheep and farming purely by accident. Aside from a semester Work Study program at UVM dairy, I had no background in farming and no interest in sheep. Then, one cold February while I was farmsitting, 6 out...
June 10, 2023

Kate Osgood is All or Nothing

Kate Osgood of Birch Rise Farm in Sanburton, NH, along with her husband Ken and sons Hunter and Henry, loves to go all in on whatever they do. When they decided to move back to the east to raise their family, they didn’t know...
Guest: Kate Osgood
June 7, 2023

Nick Weinstock Goes from Foodie to Farmer

Nick and his family have a productive history as small business owners, investors, and planners. After getting his construction management degree from Michigan State University in 2009, Nick returned to join the family const...
May 9, 2023

Becky Harhaj Balances Calm and Chaos

From Becky: My husband and I moved our kids to a farm in rural southern Minnesota in 2016 to grow better food. We were already purchasing most of our meat from local farmers, but wanted to do it ourselves while giving our kid...
Guest: Becky Harhaj
April 29, 2023

Hank & Heather LeTarte Listen to Their Customers

“We cleared eight acres and piled the trees by hand. Not the trees but the brush. We had 96 brush piles in one field. And we had no friends left, because we would say to them, ‘Come on over for the weekend. And we'll give yo...
April 22, 2023

Carly Farmer Sticks With It

“I can't express enough how just beautiful it is to watch the growth. The growth of a farm year after year where you're putting your inputs in, which may just mean your animals, they’re just fertilizing and grazing for you. I...
Guest: Carly Farmer
April 15, 2023

Matt Kovarik Thinks Outside the Box

“I think that you have to listen to what everybody has to say, and then just pick and choose different parts of their advice. That's complicated for some people; they just want a How-To Guide for starting their farm. It’s not...
Guest: Matt Kovarik
April 8, 2023

Katie Steere Finds Her Dream Life

"I get a lot of people saying, you're living my dream life. I'm so jealous. I know it's a compliment. But I'm not living your dream life. I'm living my dream life. And I know what it comes with. I know all the s-h-i-t it come...
Guest: Katie Steere
April 1, 2023

Brent Beidler Chooses Not to Farm

“I am very delightfully holding on to the things that I hold dear about myself that are a part of my life as a farmer, and not integrating that into my life going forward, where I'm not commercially farming. I really apprecia...
Guest: Brent Beidler
Feb. 9, 2023

Driving Chat: Agritourism

Here’s a quick mini-episode I wanted to share about agritourism. I recorded it while driving home from the International Workshop on Agritourism last fall. Fair warning that it’s only lightly edited. I just came across this r...
Guest: Jenn Colby
Jan. 28, 2023

Katelyn Duban Connects Rural Women

“From what I’ve learned, it's always best to learn from other people. Learn from people who have been doing this before. If you can find a mentor in the field that you are interested in, I think that's the best thing you can ...
Guest: Katelyn Duban
Jan. 11, 2023

Jessica Newman Starts With Why

“I really love the sheep. They're not stupid. Nor do I think they desire to die, as I've heard on more than one occasion. I do think they require awareness. They also are so instinct driven--which makes sense, based on what t...
Oct. 1, 2022

Season 2 Trailer

Coming soon! The second season of Choosing to Farm is bringing you even more great stories of the journey into--and sometimes out of--farming. We'll talk about new models, new ways of being successful, and where new farmers a...
Guest: Jenn Colby