Livestock farmer stories, tips, and resources for success.

Samantha & Chris Kemnah

Samantha & Chris Kemnah Profile Photo


We began our farming journey at the same time as our parenting journey in 2007, with a vegetable CSA and a few chickens. We added a few more animals (and kids) over the years, and by 2012 we raised grassfed beef, pastured pigs, heritage turkeys, chickens for meat and eggs, and had two family dairy cows. We sold everything via CSA model. Due to some marketing burnout, we switched to dairying in 2016, and now sell certified organic, grass-fed milk to Organic Valley.

Sept. 30, 2023

Chris & Samantha Kemnah Find Less Labor in Dairy

“Neither one of us came from a farm family or any kind of money in our background. We've just kind of done it on our good credit. We've leased the farms that we've been on. We are hoping to be able to buy the farm we're on no...