Sarah & Kenny Jensen Stay Upright

We might not see the payoff of the things that we're doing here…but the legacy we're leaving for someone to walk in behind us, that's really important.—Sarah
For me, especially having a job for so many years where there were a lot of days when you wake up and you go, “Man, I really don't want to go to work today”… that really doesn't happen anymore. I wake up every day ready to go. We're working, we're doing what we love together. You can't beat this. –Kenny
Kenny and Sarah are the proud owners of Berry Brae Farm located in Central New York. They specialize in raising high quality Berkshire Pork, White Dorper Lamb, seasonal turkeys and chickens.
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Northeast Pasture Consortium web site
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Vermont Grass Farmers Association web site
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The Choosing to Farm podcast is all about telling origin stories, learning from the journeys, and creating connection among first-and returning-generation livestock farmers and ranchers across the US and the world. After nearly 30 years working professionally in agriculture as well as being a returning-generation farmer myself, I’m here to share stories, tips and resources to help livestock farmers and ranchers heal our relationship with success. Want to help? Like, share or review this episode! Want to help even more? Join our Patreon to support the show or even buy me a cup of coffee at the Choosing to Farm web site!

Kenny & Sarah Jensen
Kenny and Sarah are the proud owners of Berry Brae Farm located in Central New York. We specialize in raising high quality Berkshire Pork, White Dorper Lamb, seasonal turkeys and chickens.