July 22, 2023

Troy Bishopp Part 2: Taking Risks and Being Realistic

Troy Bishopp Part 2: Taking Risks and Being Realistic

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Troy Bishopp Profile Photo

Troy Bishopp

Farmer, Conservation Professional

Troy Bishopp is the original “The Grass Whisperer”, is a “Linger Grazier” and Pop Pop to his granddaughters. He manages a hundred acres of diverse possibilities at Bishopp Family Farm in Deansboro, NY where lush pastures, healthy animals, abundant biology, quiet streams and beautiful landscapes weave a tapestry of integrity that nourish a community.
Bishopp also takes his work ethic to the Madison County Soil and Water Conservation District and directs practical grazing concepts to area farmers. He also tells award-winning, colorful stories and captures poignant moments for Lee Newspapers, OnPasture.com, and other regional media outlets. His work can be found at www.thegrasswhisperer.com